Special Educational Needs
This page will provide you with information relating to Special Educational Needs (SEND), Disabilities and Equality, including details of our Accessibility Policy and Plan. Paper copies of all documents are available, on request, from the school office.
For further information please contact:
Miss Drewett | Email: senco@wroughton-infants.co.uk | Telephone: 01793 812340
How does the school know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child has Special Educational Needs?
At Wroughton Infant School children are identified as having SEND through a variety of ways including the following:-
- Liaison with pre schools or their previous school
- If a child is performing below age expected levels
- Concerns raised by a Parent
- Concerns raised by a teacher for example behaviour or self-esteem is affecting performance
- Liaison with external agencies
- Health diagnosis through paediatricians.
If you think your child has Special Educational Needs or a Disability, please contact Miss Drewett, our SENCo
Telephone: 01793 812339
Email: senco@wroughton-infants.co.uk
Wroughton Infant School SEND Information Report
What do I do if I have a concern about SEND provision?
Talk to us - firstly contact your child's class teacher to discuss any concerns you have. They will be able to talk to you about what we see in school and how they an support your child.
Telephone: 01793 812340
Email: senco@wroughton-infants.co.uk
We pride ourselves on building positive relationships with parents. We are open and honest with parents and hope that they are able to do the same with us.
What types of SEND are provided for?
Communication and interaction
Speech & Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
Speech & Language Impairment (SLI)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Cognition and learning
Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD)
Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD)
Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) Dyslexia,
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
Mental Health Difficulties
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
Attachment Disorder (AD)
Sensory and/or physical needs
Vision Impairment (VI)
Hearing Impairment (HI)
Impairment (MSI)
Physical Disability (PD)
How do we identify children and young people with SEND and assess their needs?
Identification of students with SEND results from:
- Information from previous school
- The school's own baseline assessments
- Early Years Profile or KS1 SATs scores
- Progress based on data collections
- Teacher referrals
- Parent referrals
- Referral from an outside agency
When a concern is raised, assessment of need will be explored using Swindon's Core Standards needs checkers. This provides a comprehensive profile of the child's needs which may be found in more than one area.
What is the Local Offer?
Swindon's Local Offer can be found at https://localoffer.swindon.gov.uk/home
What is the name and contact details of the SENCo?
Miss Drewett
Telephone: 01793 812340
Email: senco@wroughton-infants.co.uk
How do we consult with parents of children with SEND and involve them in their child's education?
We believe that regular and effective engagement with parents by schools often leads to improved pupil outcomes, attendance and behaviour. Where a pupil is receiving support, we talk to parents regularly to set clear outcomes and review progress towards them;
- discuss the activities and support that will help achieve them; and
- identify the responsibilities of the parent, the pupil and the school. This is recorded in the child's Progress Plans which is reviewed and updated at least termly.
- In addition to parents evenings we meet parents of pupils with an
- EHCP for an Annual Review each year. Staff are happy to meet with parents to discuss their child's progress as and when required.
How do we consult young people with SEND and involve them in their education?
We consult with pupils who have SEND by:
- All children on the SEND register have a one page profile in which they can share their views.
- We conduct a yearly survey with SEND pupils to gain their views.
- Children are encouraged to be part of the target setting process in school.
- Students with an EHCP have an opportunity to tell us what they think as part of the review process.
How do we assess and review children and young people's progress towards outcomes?
Progress is continually monitored by the SENCO, Teachers, Phase Leaders and the Head of School.
- Class teachers make ongoing assessments against outcomes set in individual Progress Plans. When an outcome is achieved, a new one is set and provision planned.
- The progress of children with an EHC Plan is formally reviewed at an Annual Review with all adults involved with the child's education.
- The SENCo will review the progress of pupils on the SEN register after the relevant data drops
- Pupils who find reading and spelling challenging are monitored three times a year through assessments overseen by the SENCo
- Class teachers and the SENCo discuss progress towards outcomes set in individual Pupil Progress Plans at least termly.
What opportunities re there to work with parents and young people as part of any assessments and reviews?
- Class teachers discuss assessments and progress with pupils on an ongoing basis.
- Curriculum assessments are discussed with parents at Parents evenings. Targeted assessment of particular needs will be discussed with parents as needed, either by the class teacher or SENCo.
- Parents are invited to reviews and to discuss assessments with outside agencies such as the Educational Psychologist or specialist Outreach teams.
- Pupil and parent voice are captured ahead of and during Annual Reviews to review outcomes and set new goals.
- Pupils views are considered when creating and reviewing their Progress Plans and One Page Profiles.
How do we support children and young people in moving between phases of education?
On entry to Wroughton Infant School:
- A planned introduction programme is delivered in terms 5 and 6 to support the transfer of pupils starting school in September.
- Parent/carers are invited to a meeting at the school and are provided with a range of information to support them in enabling their child to settle into the school routine.
- The SENCo is available to meet with all new parents of pupils who are known to have SEND to allow concerns to be raised and solutions to any perceived challenges to be located prior to entry.
- If pupils are transferring from another setting, the previous school records will be requested immediately and a meeting set up with parents to identify and reduce any concerns if necessary.
Secondary School Transfer (from Wroughton Junior School):
- Transition meetings are held between Secondary schools and Year 6 teachers. The SENCo also meets with Secondary school SENCos to share pupil information and plan any additional transition visits as deemed appropriate. Secondary school Sencos are invited to Y6 annual reviews for children with an EHCP.
- Children with SEND are supported through moving on sessions run by the SENCo.
What is our approach to teaching children and young people with SEND?
All children learn in different ways and teaching strategies are carefully considered for children with additional needs. We aim to ensure appropriate provision within the main classroom setting and ensure that children with SEND are accessing quality first teaching. Differentiation, adjustments and different support strategies may be employed which will vary depending on the individual's need, lesson content and context.
We make reference to Swindon's Core Standards documents to explore different ways of supporting children and ensure that a graduated approach is used. This means using an Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle which ensures we put in place early intervention strategies and evaluate their effectiveness. In doing so we can also gather evidence of a child's needs should further referrals to specialist services need to be made.
If children with SEND need support in addition to Universal Provision / Quality First Teaching, they may also access specific targeted interventions either as a group or individually.
We seek advice from other professionals as appropriate to support the individual's specific needs and, where necessary and feasible, we will purchase specialist equipment and adapt the classroom learning environment.
How are adaptations made to the curriculum and the learning environment of children and young people with SEND?
Teachers plan lessons and homework according to the specific needs of all groups of children in their class and will ensure that a child's needs are met.
- A teaching assistant may work with the teacher to support a child's learning in the classroom.
- Specific resources and strategies will be used to support a child individually and in groups as is judged appropriate to meeting a child's needs.
- Advice from specialist services will be implemented
- Those children with an EHCP or additional funding may receive additional one to one support from a Teaching Assistant
- Appropriate regard is given to children's sensory needs in terms of their learning environment and timetable
- Appropriate regard is given to children's emotional and social needs it is recognised that children cannot learn if emotionally dysregulated and adaptations are made to ensure children are ready to learn.
How do we train staff to ensure that they are fully able to support children and young people with SEND?
Training needs are identified in relation to pupil needs, the school development plan and through staff questionnaires and performance management. Staff receive whole school training through staff meetings, training given by the SENCo or other local authority specialists. Individual staff are appropriately trained to deliver interventions relating to a group or a specific child and have access to a range of professional development opportunities such as peer observations, visits to other schools, specialist training and resources.
When any new member of staff joins they will receive an induction with specific SEND training included as necessary.
How do we evaluate the effectiveness of the provision made for children and young people with SEND?
Special Educational Needs audits are completed yearly to evaluate SEND provision, along with regular meetings of the SENCo with the Heads of School, Phase Leaders, Teachers and Governors.
The school monitors provision through tracking data, monitoring interventions, lesson observations, learning walks, scrutiny of books and pupil conferencing. Data analysis looks at progress of children with SEND. This data is shared with governors and be judged by external moderators such as Ofsted.
How do we ensure that children and young people with SEN are enabled to engage in activities available with children and young people in the school who do not have SEND?
We are an inclusive school and seek to ensure that no child is excluded from any activity because of their additional needs. Reasonable adjustments are made and if necessary, individual risk assessments are compiled to manage risks and allow participation. If additional adult support is necessary, then every effort will be made to enable this. A range of clubs is also available which children with SEND are encouraged and supported to take part in. We also help prepare children for any changes in their school day, such as school trips, awards ceremonies and sports day.
What support does the school provide for improving emotional and social development?
We support children to develop socially and emotionally in the following ways:
An ethos of positive, trusting relationships
- Understanding that behaviour is communication
- Use of positive behaviour support plans
- Social skills groups /interventions
- PSHE lessons using the Jigsaw scheme
- Assemblies
- Individual or group support from an ELSA
- TAMHs (Targeted Mental Health Service)
How does the school involve other bodies, including health and social care bodies, local authority support services and voluntary sector organisations, to support children and young people with SEND and their families?
Wroughton Infants School buys into the following Traded Services provided by Swindon Borough Council and the NHS:
- Educational Psychology
- Educational Welfare Services
- Targeted Mental Health
- Social Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) Support
- We are also able to refer pupils with additional needs to:
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Dyslexia support service
- Autism Support Service
- Occupational Therapy
- Community Paediatrics
What arrangements are there for handling complaints from parents of children with SEN about the provision made at the school?
We seek to promote an active partnership with parents/carers and to involve them fully at every stage. Most concerns and complaints can quite properly be resolved on an informal basis by contacting your child's class teacher, the Phase Leader, Head of School or SENCo.
Formal complaints are resolved through our complaints process.
SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disability
SENCo - Special Educational Needs Coordinator
TA - Teaching Assistants work with children in small groups or individually as directed by the class teacher or SENCo
HLTAs - Higher Level Teaching Assistants who oversee the other TAs, support parents and cover for class teachers when necessary.
SEN List - This is a list of children who receive additional support in school, they can be on this list because they have difficulty with their learning, social communication, behaviour, or they have physical difficulties.
Education Health and Care Plan - This is a process that is used to assess children who have complex SEND needs.
Team Teach - This is training that is given to those who may need to physically restrain or move children.